Planned Giving
Honor a loved one with a living memorial, or donate to support the Nature Preserve Foundation’s important conservation, preservation, and educational programs.
Honoring the Past,
Investing in the Future
Thank you for supporting the Nature Preserve Foundation. The NPF encourages deep and daily connections with nature, placing emphasis on the health and wellness benefits associated with fresh air, active outdoor play, and less screen time – for youth and adults alike. The Center also prioritizes ecological restoration and sustainable living via volunteer opportunities, educational programs, and community partnerships.
The Watershed Nature Center is owned by the City of Edwardsville and managed by the Nature Preserve Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization. Your tax deductible contribution goes directly to programs and initiatives that support our mission of education, restoration, and recreation. Give the gift of Nature to yourself, a loved one, and the community with a donation today!
Tribute Payment Options
Your gift will be used to sponsor educational programs and to promote environmental stewardship throughout the year. A beautiful card acknowledging your gift will be sent to the person you designate, and you are welcome to include a personal message. The amount of your donation will not be indicated, however, a separate receipt will be sent to you.
Planned Giving
The Nature Preserve Foundation, as a grass roots, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the value of nature in our community and society at large, depends largely on your financial support to accomplish our educational mission. As a not-for-profit organization, we can offer you various income and estate tax advantages in return for your donations to a cause you lovingly support. What a combination!
It is not complicated for you to exercise your charitable intentions to the Nature Preserve Foundation. Jerry Tarkanian, the colorful College Hall of Fame Basketball coach used to tell his players to “. . .take what they give you” when attacking the challenges of another team’s defense. In this case, you are “taking” advantage of significant IRS tax deductions, both capital gains and estate taxes, while exercising your kind and generous charitable intentions to a true community gems: The Nature Preserve Foundation.
If you are interested in planned giving or would like to discuss other ways to honor a loved one, you are encouraged to contact us at for customized options.
There are three ways to benefit the Nature Preserve Foundation as well as you & your family:
Gifts at the time of a donor’s death:
- Designate the NPF as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account such as an IRA or 401k.
- Make a provision in your will that gives money, assets, or property to the NPF.
Outright gifts of cash or appreciated assets:
- An effective way to avoid paying capital gains taxes while at the same time deducting the total value of the gift as a charitable deduction.
- Estate taxes can also be managed through this gifting strategy.
Gifts that result in income to the donor, or your family, as well as a charitable deduction and exclusion of assets from estate taxes for you and your heirs:
Terms that are used in this type of giving include Gift Annuity, Charitable Remainder Trust, Charitable Lead Trust, and others.
The serenity and peaceful atmosphere of our local green spaces, like the Watershed Nature Center, make a beautiful place to honor a loved one who has passed away. A memorial gift is a thoughtful way to remember those dear to you, and will be appreciated by family and friends who respect and enjoy our natural surroundings.
Memorial Donation Options
Your gift will be used to sponsor educational programs and to encourage environmental stewardship throughout the year. A card acknowledging your memorial will be sent to the person you designate, and you are welcome to include a personal note of sympathy. The amount of your donation will not be indicated, however, a separate receipt will be sent to you.
Mark a milestone day—a marriage, the birth of a baby, or a special anniversary with a tribute gift to the Nature Preserve Foundation in honor of your special occasion.
The Watershed Nature Center is owned by the City of Edwardsville and managed by the Nature Preserve Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization. Your tax deductible contribution goes directly to programs and initiatives that support our mission of education, restoration, and recreation. Give the gift of Nature to yourself, a loved one, and the community with a donation today!